Michael Brandt

Jun 2, 20233 min

The Irreplaceable Value of Face-to-Face Customer Interviews in B2B: Why AI Falls Short


In today's technologically advanced era, artificial intelligence (AI) has undeniably revolutionized numerous industries, and the business-to-business (B2B) sector is no exception. With its vast capabilities, ranging from automating routine tasks to predicting customer behaviour, AI has significantly transformed the way companies operate. And, amidst this digital transformation, it is interesting to note how many social media posts appear to offer AI as a way to actively seek to avoid direct customer interactions! (NB: Many of these posters are probably already serial offenders). While AI offers immense benefits, there are still certain areas where it cannot fully replace the human touch, and one such area, particularly in a B2B setting, is the irreplaceable value of face-to-face customer interviews. In this blog, I will delve into the reasons why AI falls short in this specific context, highlighting why face-to-face customer interactions remain essential.

1. Building Trust and Rapport:

In the B2B space, establishing trust and building rapport is crucial for successful business relationships. Face-to-face interviews provide an opportunity for sales staff and management to establish a personal connection, read nonverbal cues, and adapt their approach accordingly. These interactions enable them to create a comfortable and engaging environment where customers feel more inclined to share their genuine opinions and concerns. The human element in face-to-face interviews fosters trust, which is difficult for AI to replicate. It also demonstrates clearly that the company is interested in what the customer’s needs and expectations are.

2. In-depth Understanding of Complex Needs:

B2B sales often involve complex products or services, and an in-depth understanding of customer objectives, requirements, and expectations is paramount. Face-to-face interviews allow for detailed discussions where the company can ask probing questions, observe nuances, and gain comprehensive insights into customer pain points, preferences, and goals. The ability to actively listen, adapt the conversation, and ask follow-up questions based on real-time observations provides a depth of understanding that AI-driven surveys or chatbots cannot match.

3. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy:

Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in B2B sales. Sales representatives need to empathize with customers, understand their emotions, and respond accordingly. Face-to-face interviews facilitate the recognition of subtle emotional cues such as facial expressions, tone of voice, or body language, enabling the salesperson to adjust their approach and provide appropriate support. AI may struggle to accurately interpret and respond to nuanced emotional cues, leading to a less effective customer experience. AI has also been known to respond in a counter-productive manner to customer queries. Does any company really want to take that risk, particularly when talking about big-ticket products?

4. Uncovering Unarticulated Needs:

Often, customers may not be fully aware of their own needs or might struggle to articulate them precisely. Face-to-face interviews empower sales representatives to dig deeper, probe further, and uncover hidden pain points or unmet requirements. The ability to read between the lines and ask open-ended questions enables sales professionals to extract valuable insights that might remain hidden in automated surveys or AI-driven conversations.

5. Flexibility and Adaptability:

Every customer interaction is unique, and the ability to adapt in real time is crucial. Face-to-face interviews allow sales representatives to adjust the conversation, change their approach, and address unexpected concerns or objections. They can tailor their responses, offer personalized solutions, and build stronger relationships based on immediate customer feedback. AI, while capable of learning and adapting, may not possess the same level of agility and responsiveness as human sales professionals.


While AI has undoubtedly transformed various aspects of the B2B industry, it falls short in replacing the irreplaceable human touch in face-to-face customer interviews. Building trust, uncovering unarticulated needs, understanding complex requirements, and demonstrating empathy require human interaction. Face-to-face interviews provide the necessary depth, emotional intelligence, and flexibility that AI struggles to replicate. In the B2B environment, it is crucial to recognize the value of these face-to-face customer interactions and combine the benefits of AI technology with the power of human connection to maximize success.

So, if you were looking for an excuse to keep your seat warm in your office, rather than going out into the field and talking to your customers, AI is not it!
